Email Signature Ideas
Need some inspiration and ideas for your email signature? Since 2013, we've helped thousands of businesses and brands create their own professionally designed and coded HTML email signature using our email signature software and our email signature templates.
Here's just a few ideas for your next email signature design.
- All
- Articulate
- BizEdge
- Business
- Colorbar
- Corporate
- Div Party
- Formal
- Horizontal
- HorizontalBar
- Market Me
- Neptune
- Professional
- Socialite
- Understated
All of these email signatures have been created using our Email Signature Rescue software and professionally designed, coded and tested HTML email signature templates. You can easily create any of these designs too.
1000's of Design Combinations
You get 20 professionally designed, coded and tested HTML email signature templates but there are literally 1000's of unique email signature design combinations you can achieve, when you customize the templates with our Email Signature Rescue software.
Compatible With and Tested in 45+ email clients and apps
Install your new HTML email signature templates in any email client or app that supports HTML email signatures on Windows, macOS, iOS and Android.
Compatible with: Outlook (all versions), Apple Mail, Gmail, Thunderbird, Airmail, iOS Mail, Inky, Sparrow, Postbox, emClient, Front, Windows Live Mail, Mailbox, Mail Pilot, Google Inbox, GoDaddy, AOL Mail, Yahoo! Mail, Polymail, Horde, Roundcube + more.