Create your free email signature

Free Professional Email Signature Generator

Make a lasting impression with a beautifully designed email signature. Easy to customize, perfect for professionals and businesses.

Free Email Signature Generator Example

Why Choose Our Signature Generator?

Professional Templates

Choose from beautifully designed templates that work across all email clients.

Easy Customization

Customize colors, fonts, and layout to match your brand identity perfectly.

Social Media Integration

Add social media links with automatically generated icons to boost your online presence.

What Our Users Say

"This signature generator saved me hours of work. The templates are professional and the customization options are exactly what I needed."

Sarah Johnson
Sarah Johnson

Marketing Director

"I needed a professional email signature for an email I was sending to my client, this tool made it incredibly simple. The results look fantastic!"

David Chen
David Chen

Business Owner

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install the signature in my email client?

After generating your signature, download the ZIP file and follow our step-by-step installation guides for Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, and other popular email clients.

Can I use my own logo?

Yes! You can upload your company logo or profile picture. Our tool will automatically optimize it for the best display in email signatures.

Will my signature work on mobile devices?

Absolutely! Our signatures are tested across all major email clients and devices.

What about the images in my signature?

When you download your signature, images will be provided in PNG format. These images need to be uploaded to a web server, and the HTML code needs to be updated with the new server paths. If you're unsure about hosting your own images, consider using Email Signature Rescue - we host all your images on our global CDN, ensuring they load quickly and reliably worldwide.

4.8 Star Rated on Trustpilot
Secure payments
200K+ Happy Customers
Operating Since 2013
Email signature example design

100's professionally designed and tested templates

See All Templates

We work with
the best clients

Join our community of thousands of businesses worldwide who trust us to create, host, manage, and deploy their HTML email signatures across 60+ email clients, apps, and CRM platforms. With over 13 years of expertise, we’ve helped businesses navigate the complexities of email signature design, ensuring industry-leading, professional and polished signatures.

Trustpilot Rating
Users Rescued
Hours Saved
Years in the Business
Images Hosted