How to optimize your email signature for mobile devices

Since you can only ever send one version of your email signature, we have to make sure that the version you are sending is optimized for mobile, during the design phase.

How to optimize your email signature for mobile devices

Since you can only ever send one version of your email signature, we have to make sure that the version you are sending is optimized for mobile, during the design phase.

As you are the designer with our software, mobile optimization is mostly up to you.

Our templates are of course designed to look nice on mobile devices and have been extensively tested across all devices and software.

However depending on the amount of information you include in your signature and the size of the images, you might sometimes find that your signature looks squished or takes up too much screen on mobile devices.

Why aren't our email signatures responsive/adaptive to screen sizes?

Generally speaking, only a very limited number of email clients include headers in the HTML on send, which removes the ability to create responsive email signatures, since the code needed to determine screen size is included in the header.

If you want your signature to look like its designed for mobile, there are some things you can do.

Include smaller images.

Images sent in email signatures to mobiles are not responsive, so the size of the image you send, is the size that will be received. Avoid the temptation to include really large logos or photos in your email signature, if you want it to be optimized for mobile viewing.

Dormouse is a nice example of a mobile ready email signature template

Be smart with the template you choose.

If you have a wide logo, choose a more vertical template design like the Div Party, Corporate, Neptune or Socialite. If you use a small logo or image, our Horizontal, Horizontal Bar, Articulate or Professional templates are a great choice.

You could also swap the position of your wider logo image to a banner position instead like our Chatbot email signature example below. Using both a wide logo in primary or secondary image positions and a wide template design, will usually break the design on mobile view or squish it and it won't look as nice.

We have also recently introduced Solo versions of all of our horizontal layout templates, which stack the text fields vertically, rather than horizontally, which is great for mobile screens.

We recommend keeping your signature width to 600px max to look good on mobiles
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Create professional email signatures that make a lasting impression. Easy to customize, easy to install in Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail + 60 more email clients, apps and CRM.

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Separate long addresses on to more than one line.

If your address is quite long, consider separating the address line on to 2, 3 or even 4 separate lines. This is easy to do using our software. Simply use the address field and add your information into the separate lines.

Shorten email address and website links text.

If you want your email and website links side by side and they are quite long, consider writing something other than the actual email or website address in the text field.

For example, instead of writing:

you could write

Email Me   View Website

Examples of mobile-optimized email signature designs.

Here's some good example of what an email signature design should look like that's perfectly optimized for mobile.

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Amy Lockwood is the Co-Founder of Email Signature Rescue with over a decade of experience in HTML email signatures for 60+ email clients, apps and CRM software including Outlook, Gmail, Apple Mail. She is the Head Designer of the Email Signature Rescue apps and website.

📩 Need help with your HTML email signatures? Contact Amy at

Ready to transform your email signatures?

FLYBY Signature
AUTHOR Signature
RAISE Signature
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