20 Professional Email Signature Examples for Small Business
As all small business owners know, trying to get the attention of your target audience can often be a headache as it's difficult to be recognized.
You may be a new small business or perhaps you've been running for a while, regardless of your situation, the odds are that you have yourself set up with a website and have a business page on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. This is great, but what about your email? When you send an email, will it stand out and make the person on the other end say wow?
Far too often small business owners and staff members will send me an email, and at the bottom of their email I'll see a few words in plain text, and their contact number. While this is easy, it's not marketable and it doesn't make me think of their business as professional and serious about what they do.
Email Signatures don't have to be plain and boring. They can include colour, links, social icons, images and can be styled to the colour of your business branding. Adding a couple of call-to-action buttons to visit your website and social media pages as well as styling some colour into your email signature can make all of the difference and wow your customers or clients.
Email Signature Rescue is a great tool that allows you to create a branded email signature that not only looks great, but works extremely well. Unlike some of the other options out there, Email Signature Rescue supports over 30 mail clients, not just a few of the main ones.
Here's some great reasons to use Email Signature Rescue:
- You don't need any design or coding knowledge to create a beautiful email signature
- Your email signature gets sent with EVERY email you send
- It's compatible with almost every mail client out there
- They have over 20 email signature templates to choose from
- It takes less than 10 minutes to create and install your email signature
- It's extremely cost effective and is one of the least expensive marketing tools out there
- You can track analytics for your links with the use of Google Analytics
- They have a gallery of over 100,000 social icons to choose from
20 Great Examples of Email Signatures for Small Business
If reading the above has got you interested, you may want some inspiration for creating an email signature. Below are some great email signatures created by other Email Signature Rescue users. All of the signatures are by small business owners or staff members.