To begin we are going to add your Outlook 365 email account to the Outlook Android App, if you already have your email account setup in the Outlook Android App you can skip to Step 2.
First you need to open the Outlook Android App on your Android Phone (if you do not already have the app installed you can download it from the Google Play store), you will now see a screen like below, tap on the "Add Account" button.
Next tap on the "Enter your email" field.
Once you have entered your Outlook email address tap on the "Continue" button.
Enter your Outlook email account password then tap the "Sign in" button.
Next you will be asked if you would like to "Add another account", at this time we do not so we tap the "MAYBE LATER" text button.
You have successfully added your Outlook email account to the Outlook Android App, to finish the App will ask your preference for notifications, choose the option you would like to continue, we chose "TURN ON".
In this step we will be copying our HTML Email Signature file that we send ourselves from the Email Signature Rescue software.
To send ourselves the new HTML Email Signature design directly to our inbox on the Outlook Android App, log into your Email Signature Rescue account, click on "Edit" next to your signature in the signatures list and then click the "Email" button.
Once you receive this email in your Outlook Android App inbox, click on it to open.
Once the email has opened you will see your attached HTML Email Signature file at the top of the message, click on this to open it.
You should now see your Email Signature, do not worry that the images do not appear at this stage, this is normal.
What we now need to do is copy all of this Email Signature, the easiest way to do this correctly is to tap on some text that is not a link, in this example I long press on the word "Norfolk" by holding my finger on the word for 1 second or so.
If you do this correctly you will see a menu pop up with a few options as pictured below, tap on the "Select all" option.
We have now selected our entire Email Signature correctly as it is all highlighted in blue, now tap "Copy".
You have successfully copied your new Email Signature to the phones clip board and we are now ready to install it.
Return to the Outlook Android App Inbox screen to begin Step 3.
Now that we have our new Email Signature code copied to our clip board we can install it.
Start by tapping on the little logo at the top left of your Inbox screen.
You should see some more options, down the bottom left there is a settings cog icon, tap on this to open your settings.
Next tap on "Signatures"
On the Signatures page you should see some placeholder text that Outlook has kindly used to advertise their service, let's remove that by tapping at the end of the text.
Tap on the delete key until the placeholder text is all gone.
Once the placeholder text is all gone, long press where the cursor is and a menu should pop up, tap on "Paste".
You should now see your new HTML Email Signature showing on screen, do not worry that the images are not showing correctly at this stage, this is normal, they will display correctly when sending your emails. Tap the tick icon at the top right of your screen to save your Email Signature.
Tap on the back arrow at the top left of your screen.
Again tap on the back arrow at the top left of your screen to return to your Inbox.
Now that you have installed your new HTML Email Signature let's test that it is working.
Tap on the "New mail" button at the bottom right of your Inbox screen.
You will now see your new Email Signature showing correctly with images on your new compose screen, to see a larger view you can tap down the bottom left of the screen to close the on-screen keyboard temporarily.
Now you can see your very own freshly installed HTML Email Signature.
Congratulations on successfully installing your Email Signature on the Outlook App for Android.