Copy your provided Signature Key. This may have been emailed to you, or you can access it from your Email Signature Rescue account.
Click the plus icon at the top left of the installer app to add a new email signature.
Click on the Select your email client drop down box and choose Outlook 2013.
Click on the Select your email account drop down box and choose the email account you would like your email signature installed into.
Click on the insert your signature key field and press Ctrl + V to paste your copied signature key. If the key is valid, a green tick will appear on the right side.
Check the boxes below for Insert for new and Insert for replies/forwards, then click the Install Signature button.
Our installer app will now install your email signature into Outlook for you. When you compose a new email within Outlook 2013, your email signature will appear.
Open your HTML email signature file in your web browser.
Press Ctrl + A to select the entire email signature, then press Ctrl + C to copy it.
IMPORTANT: Do not use your mouse to select the area, only use Ctrl + A as you may miss out on grabbing some of the code.
Open Outlook 2013 and click the File tab from your top toolbar, then select Options.
Select Mail on the left hand side and click the Signatures... button.
Click on New and type a name for your email signature, then click OK.
Paste your copied signature using CTRL + V into the signature field.
Set your email signature as the default for New messages and Replies/forwards, then click OK.
NOTE: If the email signature preview in the settings area is cutting off your email signature, do not worry, this is expected and is due to the way the signature preview renders HTML signatures. Simply send yourself a test email and you will see it displays correctly.
Close out of your settings and compose a new email. Your email signature will automatically be inserted when composing emails from Outlook 2013 on Windows.