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Super easy HTML
email signatures

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Socialite Email Signature Template

Socialite email signature template

Want something a little more... social? The Socialite email signature template is perfect for all the marketing professionals out there that know their social media icons should come second only to their name.

The Socialite email signature template is a versatile design and can handle small or large logos. Choose from over 200,000 social media icons, add banners, buttons and more.

However you choose to customize the Socialite Email Signature Template, you can be sure it will look professional and beautiful when emailing your clients.

It's so easy to create your very own fully customized Socialite Email Signature using our Email Signature Rescue Software and the Socialite Email Signature Template.

Get Started

Creating, Customizing and Installing the Socialite Email Signature Template


Create and manage all your HTML email signatures from your Online Dashboard. Login to create new signatures, delete signatures and edit signatures at any time.

Live Preview Editor

Design and customize your Socialite email signature template with our Live Preview Editor. Add your name, role, email, address, telephone numbers, images, banners, social media icons and more.

Install Email Signatures

Manually install your Socialite Email Signature template in any email client that supports HTML. If your email clients supports it, automatically install your email signatures and edit them straight from your Dashboard.

Social Media Icons

Choose from an extensive library of over 200,000 social media icons. That's 90+ social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more, in 30+ colors, 8+ styles and 11 sizes.

Image Tools

Upload your own images, photos, banners and logos using our built-in image editor. Crop, circle-crop and resize images easily and add them to the Socialite Email Signature Template design.

Tested Across Email Clients

We test all of our email signature templates sending to and receiving from all major email clients. Just follow our easy guide when creating your own Socialite email signature template to ensure it remains looking good.

20+ Email Signature Templates

You don't just get the Socialite email signature template, you get all 20+ professional email signature templates included in our software.

7 Day Money Back Guarantee

Try the software today risk-free. If you're not happy, we offer a full refund within 7 days of purchase.

More Examples of the Socialite Email Signature Template


All templates and versions included in our software

You don't have to make a decision about which template you like best. Our software includes all 20+ email signature templates and 40+ premade templates you see on our website. Change and preview designs easily when creating your signatures.

Get Started

Everything you need to create, customize, manage and deploy HTML email signatures.

No Design Skills

No design skills required. Your signatures will look as beautiful as our examples. 20 easy to customize templates included.

No Tech Knowledge

Whether you’re a solo business owner, hairdresser, real estate agent or dog walker, anyone can create and install a signature!

Works With

Install in nearly all major email clients including Gmail, Apple Mail, Outlook, iOS and more. 50+ email clients, apps and software supported.

Reliable & Tested

We refine our HTML code and conduct extensive testing regularly to ensure it is industry-leading and works across all major email clients.

Save Time

Create, customize, edit, manage and deploy HTML email signatures from one central, easy to use system.

Save Money

No expensive IT staff, developers or designers needed. From signature design, to installation and support, we take care of it all.

Easy Duplication

10, 20, 30 or 100 staff? No worries! Duplicate signatures you’ve already created from the Dashboard to create multiple signatures quickly.

Support if you need it

Hit a snag? Help is only an email away. We're here for help with any design, installation and technical issues, should you need us.

Email Signature Software for Businesses and Designers.