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Super easy HTML
email signatures

Rated 4.8 on

Create Yours Now create your email signature now

Download Email Signature Rescue

Download Email Signature Rescue now to create, customize and automatically install and deploy HTML email signatures from our Dashboard to your email client(s).

Install in your Webmail client

Get Email Signature Rescue for your browser to install and deploy HTML email signatures for your webmail client(s):

Install in Google Chrome Install in Mozilla Firefox Install in Apple Safari

Install in your Windows 7 and Windows 10 email clients

Get Email Signature Rescue for Windows 7 and Windows 10 to install and deploy HTML email signatures for your Windows 7 and Windows 10 email client(s):

Download Windows App

Install in your MacOS email clients

Get Email Signature Rescue for MacOS to install and deploy HTML email signatures for your MacOS email client(s):

email signatures

If you're an Email Signature Rescue member, automatically install your signatures using your Signature Key. Get your Key from your Dashboard or if you don't have access to your Dashboard, ask your Company Administrator to email it to you.

If you're not a member, consider joining Email Signature Rescue to create beautiful HTML email signatures, customize them and install them using our software. Or you can always paste your own HTML into the software.

All Supported Email Clients

If your email client is on this list, you can download our installer apps and browser extensions to install and automatically push updates from your Email Signature Rescue Dashboard to your email client.

If it's not on the list, don't worry. You can still use Email Signature Rescue and use alternative methods of installation.

Webmail Clients

The following Webmail clients are supported:

Google Inbox
G Suite
Outlook Office 365
Yahoo! Mail
AOL Mail

Windows 7 and Windows 10 Email Clients

The following Windows 7 and Windows 10 email clients are supported:

Outlook 2019
Outlook 2016
Outlook 2013

Works with Windows 7 (32x and 64x) and Windows 10 (32x and 64x)

MacOS Email Clients

The following MacOS email clients are supported:

Apple Mail*
Outlook for Mac 2016
Outlook for Mac 2011
Mozilla Thunderbird

*Apple Mail MacOS El Capitan + supported

Email Client not on the list? Don't worry. You can still use Email Signature Rescue and use alternative methods of installation.

Further Support and FAQ

Browser Extension
Windows App
MacOS App

Everything you need to create, customize, manage and deploy HTML email signatures.

No Design Skills

No design skills required. Your signatures will look as beautiful as our examples. 20 easy to customize templates included.

No Tech Knowledge

Whether you’re a solo business owner, hairdresser, real estate agent or dog walker, anyone can create and install a signature!

Works With

Install in nearly all major email clients including Gmail, Apple Mail, Outlook, iOS and more. 50+ email clients, apps and software supported.

Reliable & Tested

We refine our HTML code and conduct extensive testing regularly to ensure it is industry-leading and works across all major email clients.

Save Time

Create, customize, edit, manage and deploy HTML email signatures from one central, easy to use system.

Save Money

No expensive IT staff, developers or designers needed. From signature design, to installation and support, we take care of it all.

Easy Duplication

10, 20, 30 or 100 staff? No worries! Duplicate signatures you’ve already created from the Dashboard to create multiple signatures quickly.

Support if you need it

Hit a snag? Help is only an email away. We're here for help with any design, installation and technical issues, should you need us.

Email Signature Software for Businesses and Designers.