If you're getting an error message from Gmail saying that the email signature is too long, your email signature may be over the 10,000 character limit, which is the number of characters allowed in your email signature by Gmail.
Sorry, the signature for [your email address] is too long. Please try a shorter signature.
Here's what we suggest you do.
Count the number of characters in your email signature's HTML code
If you are an Email Signature Rescue member:
You can easily count the number of characters in your email signature's HTML code, by pressing the "Count Characters" button available in the menu on the right hand side, while editing any email signature.
If you are NOT an Email Signature Rescue member:
Either open your HTML file in Notepad or TextEdit and press Ctrl A (on PC) or Command A (on Mac) to highlight all of the code. Don't have Notepad or TextEdit? Open your email signature HTML file in your browser, right click on the browser window and press View Source.
Select all of the code using either Ctrl A (on PC) or Command A (on Mac). Then copy it using Ctrl C or Command C and paste it into the counter box using this free tool. (Or you can simply join Email Signature Rescue and get creating!)
If your email signature is over 10,000 characters:
You will need to use our free email signature browser extension to install your email signature or reduce your email signature to be under 10,000 characters (including HTML code).