Email Signature Generator
Want to make your own email signature? You can create your own customized email signature in just a few minutes with images and social icons using Email Signature Rescue. We're kind of an email signature generator, but we offer a whole lot more.
What is an Email Signature Generator?
An email signature generator is software that automatically creates HTML email signatures. We prefer to call it Email Signature software, because we do more than just generate email signatures.
What does an Email Signature Generator do?
Generally, an email signature generator will allow users to enter their contact details and links using a form and the "generator" will produce a html file or give the html code for the user to setup in their email program's email signature settings like Gmail,Outlook or Apple Mail.
Why use Email Signature Rescue over a free email signature generator?
Unlike free email signature generators, our code has been tested to work in all major email clients
We securely store all your email signatures for you. If you need to come back and make changes later on, editing your email signatures is a breeze.
You can still create your own beautiful HTML email signature in less than 5 minutes using our pre-designed email signature templates
Easily customize your email signature with your own details, colors and image.
Sometimes installing the email signature in your email program is just as hard as creating it. You get installation support with all your favourite email programs.
Images coded to not show as attachments and we host them for you, free email signature generators do not.
3000+ customers are loving us and we have glowing reviews!
This is Gold. Does what it says on the box and the templates are nice and crisp. I tried html signatures using some of the free stuff that is out there but it was useless. (I don't know anything about coding). Highly recommend.
Michael, MSG Architecture